Reconnect with your Heart & Soul. A Weekend Yoga & Walking Retreat

What to expect:
Suzi, an experienced yoga teacher and therapist will guide you through revitalizing yoga breathwork and meditation sessions, helping you find inner peace and balance. Kate will skillfully lead you in a chance to explore the scenic natural surroundings with invigorating walks that will refresh your mind and body. Connect with like-minded individuals, share stories, and make lasting memories.

Why attend:
This retreat is designed to help you unwind, recharge, and rediscover your true self. The combination of yoga and walking will enhance your physical and mental well-being, leaving you feeling invigorated and inspired. Take this opportunity to prioritise self-care and embark on a transformative journey.

Who should attend:

Whether you’re a yoga enthusiast or a nature lover seeking a getaway, this retreat is for you. All levels are welcome, from beginners to advanced practitioners. Come with an open heart and a willingness to connect with your inner self.

Don’t miss out:
Spaces are limited, so secure your spot now! Reconnect with your heart and soul in the serene surroundings of Beggars Roost. Reserve your place today and embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery.

Prices from £90
Click on this link for more information and to book your place