About Our Yoga Classes

What Yoga is

Yoga is a way of working with and linking the body, breath, and mind to achieve very positive results. Practiced regularly it really does promote total wellbeing.

What Yoga is not

Some think yoga is all about tying oneself into complicated knots and strange positions worthy of a contortionist! It does not have to be that way; in yoga there can be enormous gain, without struggle or pain. The simplest postures practiced with the right kind of attitude can achieve very effective results.

Yoga can be what you want it to be…

  • keeping fit
  • developing suppleness, strength or stamina
  • increasing energy and vitality
  • improving health
  • relaxing
  • alleviating insomnia
  • developing good breathing habits
  • exploring the philosophical wisdom that ancient yogic teachings have to offer
  • finding contentment

YOGAfriendly’s Yoga Style

I have experimented with many different styles of yoga, but I always return to the Vini-Yoga tradition, as it’s like coming home! With its emphasis on breathing, slow dynamic movement and individual attention; it is different from many other forms of yoga. Vini-Yoga uses the techniques and ideas of yoga and applies them to the individual, respecting all aspects of their personal circumstances. This might include factors such as their age, health, physical abilities, occupation lifestyle, culture, religion and what they might be looking for from yoga. By using this tradition of yoga, the yoga I teach is safe and suitable for everyone.

Our Yoga Classes

YOGAfriendly offers weekly yoga classes in Portishead, Clevedon, Bristol, North Somerset and the surrounding areas. Our Yoga Classes are for everyone and includes Beginners and Intermediate,  Pregnancy Yoga, Postnatal Yoga and Over 50’s Yoga Classes or Individual Yoga sessions.

To find a Yoga Class in the Bristol area please see our Yoga Timetable or Contact Suzi.