
All comments are taken from anonymous feedback forms:

“Yoga class is something I get to do for just me for once a week. Its an escape from everything. Suzi explains how and why we do each move. She is a very calm person and I come away from the classes feeling calmer myself as well as pleased with myself for having done a bit of exercise!”

“I enjoy the quality of the teacher – her personal integrity and knowledge of all aspects of yoga which she wants to share with the class. She is an inspiring teacher, and has good humour.”

“The teacher is very sensitive to the individuals in the class – by far the most well balanced and sympathetic yoga teacher I have ever experienced.”

“I love the variety, pace and content of the class. You are a great teacher – just the right emphasis and support and encouragement. This class has made me more aware of so many things already, about me physically and emotionally and how both are so linked. I feel I could do with 2 classes a week!”

“As a beginner I feel that I am working at the right pace which maintains my interest. I already feel improvements in myself especially my balance and breathing.”

“I treat the class as a kind of sanctuary where the horrible stresses of life cant get me!”

“I love gaining the knowledge to develop and correct my posture. The breath work is really beneficial. The calm friendly atmosphere in class is lovely. I have found yoga to be beneficial in all aspects of my life – brilliant!”

“I enjoy the increased strength and flexibility that yoga has given me. The small class size is perfect because it allows me to not feel intimidated, and to follow instructions and demonstrations more easily and to ask questions.”

“The class gives me time to focus on the spirit and the body, regenerating through the breath, relaxing while working the body. The teaching style is excellent – calm personal, friendly yet clear with intention and instruction. The intimacy of the class also adds to the relaxed environment.”

“Thank you ever so much for your fantastic teaching. During my labour I remembered to breathe deeply and slowly, even in the worst contractions and everyone commented on how calm I managed to stay throughout, which I am sure was all down to how you taught me to control my breathing. The birthing ball was definitely invaluable too as I spent much of the first stages of labour leaning over it, thank you once again”

“I went along, initially, doubting that any exercise class could work for someone with my limited vision. What I have found, to my delight, is that this style of yoga is adapted to every person’s individual needs. It is also done at your own pace, so there is no pressure to keep up. The exercises and done slowly and described by Suzi before you begin. This has meant that far from struggling to see what I should be doing, I can keep my eyes shut for the entire class and often do so as it helps me to concentrate more. I feel relaxed and more together after a class and feel that my balance is improving with time. I really look forward to yoga now and feel this class has really helped me feel more positive about life.”